Internal Assignment No. 1
Bachelor of Business Administration
Paper Code: BBA – 206
Paper Title: Project Management and Entrepreneurship
Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15
Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Q. 1. Answer all the questions:
- 1.Distinguish between project identification and formulation.
- 2.What is project appraisal?
- 3.What do you mean by progress payments in project administration?
- 4.List the different types and qualities necessary to become an entrepreneur.
- 5.What is industrial sickness?
NOTE: Answer any two questions. Each question carries 5 marks (word limit 500).
Q. 2. Discuss the Role of RIICO.
Q. 3. Write a detailed note on strategic approaches in the changing economic scenario for small scale entrepreneurs.
Q. 4. Elucidate the various schemes of incentives in operation.
Internal Assignment No. 2
Bachelor of Business Administration
Paper Code: BBA – 206
Paper Title: Project Management and Entrepreneurship
Last date of submission: Max. Marks: 15
Note : Question No. 1 is of short answer type and is compulsory for all the students.
It carries 5 Marks. (Word limits 50-100)
Q. 1. Answer all the questions:
- 1.What do you understand by project administration?
- 2.List any two tax provisions useful for project financing.
- 3.Differentiate between PERT and CPM.
- 4.Write any two roles of RFC.
- 5.What do you understand by subsidies?
NOTE: Answer any two questions .Each question carries 5 marks (word limit 500).
Q. 2. Discuss the various aspects of direct financial assistance for projects.
Q. 3. Describe the different programmes and government policy towards SSI.
Q.4. What do mean by EDP? Also discuss the stages of growth involved in the process of EDP.