Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt
MPDMM405: MARKETING RESEARCH ASSIGNMENT – I 5 X 3 =15 Marks 1. What factors should one examine when judging the validity and appropriateness of secondary data? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of unstructured question? 3. In what way does the staple scale differ from the semantic differential 4. What are the advantages of using online databases, from the viewpoint of a professional marketing research firm? 5. List five guidelines for selecting an external marketing research supplier. ASSIGNMENT – II 5 X 3 =15 Marks 6. What are the criteria for good measurement? 7. Explain about the following: a) Interviewing method b) Questionnaire Design c) Simulation 8. State the difficulties that are associated particularly with making surveys by man. 9. If business school offers courses in marketing research, would you prefer that they be devoted to applied research? Or to basic research ? Way
MPDMM406: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT ASSIGNMENT – I 5 X 3 =15 Marks 1. Define Marketing Control. Discuss market penetration as a measure of performance evaluation in international marketing 2. What do you mean by report writing? Discuss the various characteristics of a good report with a sample report 3. What is marketing communication? Discuss the role of international marketing communication in the international marketing strategy of a company 4. Define a brand. What alternative strategies can a company adopt to brand its international products? 5. Explain the following: i) International Marketing ii) Polycentricity iii) Strategic Alliance iv) Global marketing ASSIGNMENT – II 5 X 3 =15 Marks 6. What steps can be taken to resolve the problems of primary data collection in the developing counties? 7. What barriers make controlling international operations more complex than controlling domestic marketing activities? Explain with the help of specific examples. 8. Assess the effectiveness of various promotional tools used in the international marketing communication. 9. Define product line. Evaluate the factors of standardization and adaptation of the product in the international markets. 10. What is international marketing environment? Describe various environmental factors that affect international marketing.
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