Product Details: NMIS University HRM16202 SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS
Format: BOOK
Edition Description: 2016
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1 Employee Welfare and Industrial Relations : Introduction to Employee Welfare and Industrial Relations, Meaning of Employee Welfare, Principles of Employee Welfare Service, Industrial Relations, Meaning of Industrial Relations, Distinction between Human Relations and Industrial Relations, Features of Industrial Relations, Significance of Industrial Relations, Causes of poor Industrial Relations, Objectives of Industrial Relations, Scope of Industrial Relations, Contemporary Issues in Industrial Relations, Measures to Improve Industrial Relations, Perspectives of Industrial Relations, IR Decisions, Requirement of a successful Industrial Relations Program, Determining Factors of Industrial Relations, Different Approaches of Industrial Relations.
Trade Unions- Introduction to Trade Unions, Nature of Trade Unions, History of Trade Union in India, Trade Union in India: Formation of First Union Association, Role of Trade Unions in Industrial Relations and the Growth of Trade Unions in INDIA, Trade Union Act 1926, The Election, Criticism of Trade Unions, Features of Trade Unions, Objective of Trade Unions, Functions of Trade Unions, Structure of Trade Unions, Criticism of Trade Unions by the Employers, Trade Unionism in India, Trade Unions in India, Problems & Weaknesses of Trade Union in India, Suggestion for the Development of Such Unions.
2 Collective Bargaining and Participative Management: Introduction to Collective Bargaining, Functions of Collective Bargaining, Collective Bargaining : Pros and Cons, Level of Collective Bargaining, Collective Bargaining Process, Collective Bargaining in India, Position of Collective Bargaining in India, Critical Evaluation, Participative Management, Elements of Worker?s Participation, Suggestions for effective implementation of collective Bargaining, Features of Participative Management, Scope, Significance of Workers Participation, Objectives of Participation, Methods of Workers participation in management, Workers participations at TISCO, Employee Relations and Quality of Work Life, The Employee Grievance and its forms and Procedure, Need for a Grievance Procedure, Causes of Grievances, A Grievances Procedure, Essentials of a Grievance Procedure, Employee Empowerment. Labour Legislation- Introduction to Labour Legislation, The Classification of Labour Legislations, The Factories Act 1948, Objects and the Scope of the Act, Approvals, Licensing and Registration of Factories, The Inspecting Staff, Certifying SurgeonAppointment Disqualifications and Duties [Sec. 10], Provisions relating to Worker?s Health, Provisions relating to Safety of Workers, Contract Labor (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970, Minimum Wages Act 1948, Statement of Objects and Reasons, Act 11 of 1948, List of Amending Acts and Adaptation Order, The Minimum Wages Act 1948, The Payment of Wages Act 1936, Object, Scope and Extent of Application of the Act, Rules relating to Payment of Wages, Deductions from Wages, Enforcement of the Act, Payment of Bonus Act 1965.
3 The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947: Introduction to The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, Industrial Disputes Act 1947, Short Title, Extent and Commencement, A Dismissal, Etc of an Individual Workman to be Deemed to be an Industrial Dispute, Works Committee, Conciliation Officers, Board of Conciliations, Court of Inquiry, Labour Court, Filling of Vacancies, Finality of Orders Constituting Boards etc, Reference of Dispute to Board, Courts or Tribunals, Procedure and Power of Conciliations Officers, Board, Courts and Tribunals, Duties of Conciliation Officers, Duties of Board, Duties of Courts, Duties of Labour Courts, Tribunals and National Tribunals, Form of Report or Award, Publication of Reports and Award, Persons on whom Settlement and Award are Binding, Period of Operation of Settlement and Awards, Commencement and Conclusion of Proceedings, Prohibition of Strikes and Lock-outs, Illegal Strikes and Lock-outs, An Application of Section 25-C to 25-E, Penalty for Illegal Strikes and Lock-out.
Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 – Introduction of Payment of Gratuity Act 1972,
Definitions under Gratuity Act 1972, Continuous Service, Controlling Authority, Payment of Gratuity, Determination of the Amount of Gratuity, Recovery of Gratuity, Penalties.Employee State Insurance Act 1948 – An Overview- Introduction to Employee State Insurance Act 1948, Origin of Employee State Insurance Act 1948, Objectives of Employee State Insurance Act 1948, Definition of Employee State Insurance Act 1948, Applicability, Areas Covered, Administration of the Act, Registration, Identity Card, Employers/Employees Contributions, Certification of Return of Contribution by Auditor, Benefits under the Scheme, Obligations of Employers, Employees Insurance Court, Important Forms to be submitted under the Act.
4Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme (1952) :Introduction to Employees? Provident Fund Scheme (1952), Definitions of Employees? Provident Fund Scheme (1952), Employees? provident Funds Scheme.The workmen Compensation act and the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961- Introduction The Workmen Compensation Act, Object and Scope of the Act, Positions Before the Act, Who is Workman? Employer?s Liability for Compensation, Amount of Compensation, Notice and Claim, Medical Examination, The maternity Benefit Act, 1961, Employment of or work by Women Prohibited during certain Period, Right to Payment of Maternity Benefit, Power to Make Rules.
5Discipline and Disputes: Introduction to Discipline and Disputes, Employee Discipline, Nature of Discipline, Causes of Indiscipline, Industrial Dispute Management, Types of Disputes, Causes of Industrial Disputes, Reasons for Arising Disputes, The Three Factors, Settlement of Industrial Disputes.