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ibo-04 solved paper

POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS/ MASTER OF COMMERCE Term-End Examination December, 2014 IB0-04 : EXPORT - IMPORT PROCEDURES AND DOCUMENTATION Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 70% Note : Answer both parts A and B. PART - A 1. Comment on any four of the following : (a) One important objective of export import policy is to facilitate technological and infrastructural upgradation of Indian industry. (b) Selling under C.I.F contract is good for the country as a whole. (c) Export Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) help exporters in reducing manufacturing cost of export goods. (d) The Duty Free Import Authorisation (DFIA) scheme which allows imports of input required for export product is an improvement over the earlier on such schemes. (e) Exporting is far more riskier than any domestic business of comparable size (f) EXIM Bank does not provide long – term credit. PART - B

Answer any four of the following questions.


2. The broad objective of 'export-import' policy is to act as an effective instrument of economic growth. What strategies are proposed to achieve the objective ? Give a detailed answer.


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ibo-02 dec-2014 paper

POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA 'IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS/MASTER OF COMMERCE December, 2014 IB0-02 : INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 70% Note : Attempt both Part-A and Part-B. PART - A 1. Write short notes on any two of the following : (a) Product positioning in International Market (b) Counter trade (c) Franchising as a tool for overseas market entry (d) Merger and Acquisition 2. Distinguish between any two of the following : (a) International marketing and Multinational marketing (b) Advertising and Personal selling (c) Foreign distributor and Foreign retailer (d) Observation method and Survey method of data collection PART - B Attempt any four of the following questions : 3. (a) What are the specific advantages that a firm can derive by going international ? (b) Why the task of the international marketer is more difficult than that of the domestic marketer ? 4. "Product planning is one of the important fundamental decisions for successful international marketing". (a) Discuss the various factors to be considered while designing a product for international markets. (b) Explain the importance of new product development in international markets. 5. (a) What are the factors which determine pricing decisions in international markets ? (b) Discuss the various pricing methods used in international marketing. 6. Discuss the various techniques of sales promotion in overseas markets 7. a) What are the factors that need to be considered before taking a decision on whether to go for direct or indirect exports ?

b) What are the considerations to be kept in view for selecting an agent in the overseas markets ? 8. "One of the major challenges relates to the type of orientation that a firm should give to its overseas operations". In the light of the above statement discuss EPRG orientation of a firm. 9. Discuss the emerging global competitive environment. Examine whether small enterprises have scope in this dynamic emerging global business environment. in overseas markets.

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