December, 2011
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) Differentiate between the following giving suitable examples :
(i) Search, experience and credence qualities.
Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt
December, 2011
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) Differentiate between the following giving suitable examples :
(i) Search, experience and credence qualities.
December, 2012
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) With the help of suitable examples, explain the concept of 'Services Marketing Triangle'. (b) Explain the four modes of service delivery in international trade of services, giving examples of each.
2. (a) Identify a particular service organisation for which you believe 'physical evidence' is particularly important in communicating with customers. Prepare the text of a presentation as a manager of that organisation highlighting the importance of physical evidence in the organisation's marketing strategy.
June, 2013
Ms-65 : Marketing of Services
1. (a) Discuss 'Inseparability' and 'Perishability' as characteristics of services. Also describe their marketing implications for a hospital.
(b) What are the additional three 'Ps' of service Marketing Mix ? Discuss each . Also discuss the relevance of 'Services Marketing Triangle' for a consultancy company.
June, 2010
Ms-64 : International Marketing
1(a) Why has there been such an increase in interest by business firms in international marketing ? Will this continue to increase ? Why, or why not ?
(b) What is the basic objective of setting up of Export Promotion Councils ? Explain their major functions.
June, 2011
Ms- 64 : International Marketing
1. (a) What are the reasons for a firm entering into international markets ? Discuss giving
suitable examples.
December, 2011
Ms-64 : International Marketing
1. (a) Describe the differences between ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric orientations. How do these orientations affect international marketing practices ?
(b) Differentiate between various types of Regional Economic Groupings giving suitable examples.
December 2012
Ms-64 : International Marketing
1. Differentiate between the following:
(a) Ethnocentric and Geocentric Orientations.
June, 2013
Ms-64 : International Marketing
1. (a) What are the economic and non - economic reasons that a firm considers for entering International Markets ? Explain.
(b) What are the different forms of Regional Economic Groupings for trade cooperation ? Give examples to illustrate your answer.
December, 2009
Ms-63 : Product Management
1. Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples :
June, 2010
Ms-63 : Product Management
1. (a) Explain the terms 'convenience products' and 'speciality products' giving suitable examples. Briefly compare a producer's marketing - mix for a convenience product with those for a speciality product.
(b) Explain the BCG Matrix and discuss its strategic implications.
June, 2011
Ms- 63 : Product Management
1. (a) Briefly explain the concept of Product. Life Cycle (PLC). Do all products go through the classical belt shaped PLC ? Discuss giving suitable examples.
(b) What, in your view, is the PLC stage in respect of the following products in Indian market ? Based on your answer, suggest appropriate promotion and distribution strategies for them:
December, 2011
Ms-63 : Product Management
1. (a) Explain the term 'product line', giving suitable examples. Discuss the factors that make companies pursue product line extensions.
(b) Taking a fast moving consumer good of your choice, discuss the distribution and promotion strategies that you would suggest for the different stages of its product life cycle.
December 2012
Ms-63 : Product Management
1. (a) Discuss the various pricing methods available to marketers to price the products giving suitable examples.
(b) What Pricing strategy would you recommend to introduce a range of fruit juices in the market for a firm having twin objectives of creating mass awareness and sales ? Discuss.
June, 2013
Ms-63 : Product Management
1. Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples :
(a) Convenience and shopping products
December, 2009
Ms-62 : Sales Management
1(a) Explain the interdependence of sales and distribution management in an FMCG company.
(b) Explain the various steps involved in personal selling process taking the example of diesel generating sets for industrial applications.
June, 2010
Ms-62 : Sales Management
1(a) Explain the key decision areas in the sales management which are particularly relevant to strategy formulation.
(b) Explain the importance of oral and non - verbal communication in an attempt to convert a suspect into a prospect.
June, 2011
Ms-62 : Sales Management
1. (a) What are the situations conducive for personal selling ? Explain using suitable examples.
(b) How would the Sales Process differ in the following situation ?
December, 2011
Ms-62 : Sales Management
1. (a) Discuss the qualities of a good salesperson citing suitable examples. Explain how
would you convert a suspect into a prospect ?
December 2012
Ms-62 : Sales Management
1. Briefly explain the personal selling process. Discuss the importance of 'Sales Resistance' in the selling process. How do sales persons cope up with the same ? Support your answer by citing example of a consumer durable good.
2. Define negotiation. Explain the steps involved in the negotiation process by taking example of an industrial good. Briefly explain the various negotiation strategies involved.
December, 2009
Ms-58 : Management of R&D and Innovation
1(a) How does one identify a business strategy that is appropriate to your competencies ? How do you ensure that competitive advantage can be obtained through technological innovation ?
(b) Discuss the linkage between R&D, innovation and economic development. What have the experiences of USA and Japan to do with them ?
2(a) What are the essential requirements of design ? Examine the relationship between design, innovation and market.