Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

Ms-425 December, 2012 Electronic Banking and It In Banks

December, 2012

Ms-425: Electronic Banking And It In Banks

1.  Explain the concept of a Local Area Network (LAN) and its advantages. Describe the basic elements of a LAN and their respective functions including LAN Hardware and Software Media, and Communication equipment.

2.  Explain the concept of Electronic Mail (E-mail) and list its advantages. How does one get connected to internet ? Describe the on-line (leased line and VSAT) and off-line (dial-up) method for establishing connectivity to internet.

3.  (a)  What is a DSS ? Explain the Interactive Decision-making process of DSS.

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1122 Hits

Ms-425 June, 2013 Electronic Banking and It In Banks

June, 2013

Ms-425: Electronic Banking and It In Banks

1. Briefly describe the OSI Reference Model. Explain the functions of the Network Access layer, Transport layer and the Application layer for managing the communication task by the OSI model.

2. Explain the need for information systems in banks. Describe the structure of MIS in a bank highlighting the information support required for decisions to be taken at the levels of Top management, Middle management and Lower management.

3. (a) What are the six different groups into which the banking software can broadly be

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1122 Hits

Ms-425June, 2013 Electronic Banking and It In Banks

June, 2013

Ms-425: Electronic Banking and It In Banks

1. Briefly describe the OSI Reference Model. Explain the functions of the Network Access layer, Transport layer and the Application layer for managing the communication task by the OSI model.

2. Explain the need for information systems in banks. Describe the structure of MIS in a bank highlighting the information support required for decisions to be taken at the levels of Top management, Middle management and Lower management.

3. (a) What are the six different groups into which the banking software can broadly be

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  633 Hits
633 Hits

Ms-424 December, 2009 International Banking Management

December, 2009

Ms-424: International Banking Management

1. What do you understand by International Banking ? Explain the various reasons for the growth of international banking.

2. Explain the objectives and responsibilities of the International Monetary Fund and discuss the various facilities provided by it.

3. Discuss the following :

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1071 Hits

Ms-424 June, 2011 International Banking Management

June, 2011

Ms-424: International Banking Management

1.  Explain the functions of Bank for international settlements. Describe its role in achieving cooperation among various central banks.

2.  Describe the role of the Basel Committee at the centre of international financial regulation. What are the principles of the Basel Concordat, 1992 ?

3.  Discuss the following :

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1022 Hits

Ms-424 June, 2011 International Banking Management

June, 2011

Ms-424: International Banking Management

1.  Explain the functions of Bank for international settlements. Describe its role in achieving cooperation among various central banks.

2.  Describe the role of the Basel Committee at the centre of international financial regulation. What are the principles of the Basel Concordat, 1992 ?

3.  Discuss the following :

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  837 Hits
837 Hits

Ms-424 December, 2012 International Banking Management

December, 2012

Ms-424: International Banking Management

1.  Discuss the different forms and types of regulations in relation to International Banking.

2.  Briefly explain the role played by the following :

(a)  Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

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1116 Hits

Ms-424 June, 2013 International Banking Management

June, 2013

Ms-424 : International Banking Management

1. What is 'International Banking' ? Discuss the reasons for the growth of International Banking.

2. What is Based Capital Accord ? Discuss its main details and point out the amendments which were made in January 1996.

3. Briefly discuss the following :

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1143 Hits

Ms-423 December, 2009 Marketing Of Financial Services

December, 2009

Ms-423 : Marketing Of Financial Services

1. What are the different marketing orientations ? Explain the applicability of each of these for marketing of financial services.

2. Explain the Freuidian Model and the Veblenian, behavioural models and discuss their marketing applications.

3. What is branding ? Explain the role and importance of branding in bank marketing.

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1195 Hits

Ms-423 June, 2010 Marketing of Financial Services

June, 2010

Ms-423 : Marketing of Financial Services

1. Discuss the characteristics of services. What are the implications that they create for marketers of financial services ? Discuss.

2. Explain the Marshallian and the Pavlovian, behavioural models and discuss the marketing applications of these models.

3. What is the concept of Product Life Cycle ? Discuss the application of this concept to marketing of banking products.

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1203 Hits

Ms-423 June, 2011 Marketing of Financial Services

June, 2011

Ms-423 : Marketing of Financial Services

1.  Explain the difference between products and services ? How do these differences impact the marketing process for financial services ?

2.  Describe the Pavlovian Learning Model and explain the marketing application of this model.

3.  Describe the various services and products that are offered by banks. Distinguish between Bank Guarantee and Letter of Credit.

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1131 Hits

Ms-423 December, 2011 Marketing of Financial Services

December, 2011

Ms-423 : Marketing of Financial Services

1. Describe the essential characteristics of financial services and explain how the differences between products and services affect the financial services ?

2.  Define customer value and customer satisfaction ? Discuss the service triangle model as suggested by Karl Albrecht in detail.

3. What are the services provided by merchant bankers ? Discuss the role played and activities undertaken by issue managers in providing these services.

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1219 Hits

Ms-423 December, 2012 Marketing of Financial Services

December, 2012

Ms-423: Marketing of Financial Services

1. Discuss the characteristics of 'Services'. Explain the various marketing orientations and discuss which marketing orientation is appropriate for marketing of Financial Services.

2. What are needs and motives? Explain the influence of an individual's needs and motives on individual perception.

3. What is Product Life Cycle? Explain the application of product life cycle concept to marketing of bank products.

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1226 Hits

Ms-423 June, 2013 Marketing Of Financial Service

June, 2013

Ms-423: Marketing Of Financial Services

1. Discuss the various financial services markets in India and comment on some of the recent developments in these markets.

2. What is individual perception ? Discuss its influence on learning and habit development with reference to consumer behaviour.

3. Explain the banking products and services and discuss the concept of product mix with reference to Banks.

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  1121 Hits
1121 Hits

Ms-422 December, 2009 Bank Financial Management

December, 2009

Ms-422: Bank Financial Management

1. (a) Briefly discuss the broad categories of development-financing Institutions in India.

(b) "The money market gives a considerable amount of liquidity to all participants in financial market". Discuss this statement and bring out the various types of instruments that are used in the money market in India. Is there a need for Banks to borrow funds ?

2. Explain the different sources from where Banks can borrow funds within India.

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  1203 Hits
1203 Hits

Ms-422 June, 2010 Bank Financial Management

June, 2010

Ms-422: Bank Financial Management

1. "Financial Statements are analysed to answer several questions relating to the performance of an organisation". Discuss this statement and identify the questions that are likely to be answered with this analysis. Explain the techniques used for this purpose.

2. Briefly discuss the functions and importance of Bank Capital. Describe different elements that comprise Tier-I and Tier-II capital of Indian Banks.

3. What is the importance of cost of funds for Banks ? Discuss the Bank Rate Policy and

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1258 Hits

Ms-422 June, 2011 Bank Financial Management

June, 2011

Ms-422: Bank Financial Management

1.  What is meant by Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) ? Describe the element of Tier 1 and Tier II capital and explain the significance of this Norms.

2.  What is Call Money Market ? Who are the participants in Call Money Market and why do they participate ? Describe the prudential norms for call market borrowings and lendings.

3.  Comment on the cost of funds for banks and explain the impact of Bank rate and Liquidity Adjustment Facility (LAF) on cost of funds for banks.

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  1273 Hits
1273 Hits

Ms-422 December, 2011 Bank Financial Management

December, 2011

Ms-422: Bank Financial Management

1. Describe the specialised facilitators for Channelising Savings from Individuals to corporate in the form of capital, through primary markets effectively. Discuss their activities.

2. What do you mean by subordinated debt ? Describe the terms of their issue as subordinated debt instruments, for inclusion in Tier-II capital.

3. Describe the Foreign Exchange Rate system prevailing in India ? What are the determinants of exchange rates. Discuss the major buying and selling rates quoted by banks in India.

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1180 Hits

Ms-422 December, 2012 Bank Financial Management

December, 2012

Ms-422: Bank Financial Management

1.  Describe the assets and liabilities of banks as shown in their Balance Sheets. Explain the significance of Asset Liability Management in the context of bank financial management.

2.  What is Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) ? Describe different elements that comprise Tier-I and Tier-II Capital of Indian banks.

3.  What do you understand by 'Borrowed Funds of banks' ? Explain different sources of borrowings for banks and discuss their significance.

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  1215 Hits
1215 Hits

Ms-422 June, 2013 Bank Financial Management

June, 2013

Ms-422 : Bank Financial Management

1. Discuss the techniques used for financial analysis of banks. Explain the specific ratios used for analysing the financial performance of banks.

2. What do you understand by 'Owned Funds of Banks' ? Explain the different types of 'Reserves and Surpluses' as are shown in a bank's balance sheet.

3. What do you understand by the cost of funds for banks ? Discuss how do the changes in bank rate, refinance rate, call money rate and Repo rate affect the cost of funds for the banks.

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1232 Hits
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